Personal Listening Profile



The Personal Listening Profile gives insight into five listening approaches:

  • Appreciative– relaxed listening,seeking enjoyment or inspiration
  • Empathic– supportive listening,without judgement
  • Comprehensive– listening to makesense of information by understanding relationships among ideas
  • Discerning– listening tounderstand main message and determine important details
  • Evaluative– listening in order tomake a decision and accepting or rejecting message based on personal beliefs

Discover your preferred listening approach, learn more effective ways of listening to overcome communication barriers and reduce conflict, and learn to match listening approaches to the needs of the situation for total communication and business results with the Personal Listening Profile. Download a detailed brochure

This profile is an online assessment with an instant report emailed to the respondent. Once ordered, within one business day we’ll email you a unique URL that allows you to take the assessment online.


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