About Rebecca

Why Rebecca is the Jammies-Income Goddess

Rebecca is

  • an international keynote speaker, trainer and consultant
  • guest for international media (Oprah, 60 Minutes, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, USA Today, Singapore’s Straits Times, Philippines Star)
  • author of 28 books — two have sold over 250,000 copies each (verified by the publisher) and are translated into 9 languages
  • creator of over 400 audio products, webinars, teleseminars, and transcripts
  • sole writer of two award-winning and money-making blogs
  • writer and/or editor of two ezines
  • principal/partner in 5 companies, and founder or board member of two non-profits
  • a solopreneur, having no staff but outsourcing for needed expertise
  • formerly retained by Microsoft as their workforce effectiveness spokesperson.

In 2009, she released 17 books and revised two others.

In the last 23 years, she’s interviewed 400 industry experts in her SNN teleseminars and webcasts. She knows what works -— not only from her own experience, but from others she respects.

When Rebecca served on NSA’s national Board of Directors, President Scott Friedman crowned her the “Go-To Goddess” because of her ability to get things done well and fast. She chunks down complicated projects into very doable steps. She’s the Mistress of Manifesting because she can help create viable products/services from an idea in a very short time. She’s the Queen of Quickness for how she rapidly makes plans come to fruition. (She produced her last 172-page book in 2 weeks.) And she’s been called the Chief Noodler for her ability to thoroughly think through many options and find the best one for the desired outcome.

Visit her web site for more info on her services for corporate clients.

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