Home-Study Course

Making Money In Your Jammies home-study course

Making Money In Your Jammies Home-Study Course

If you’d like to progress at your own pace, the home-study course is for you. It’s chock-full of lots of information and ideas that can put lots of money in your pocket as well as have you enjoy the jammies-income lifestyle!

Key Benefits of the Home-Study Program

  • You’ll determine who your potential buyers are, how to best reach them, and who to approach first. Examine who would want what you’re offering and who would be most ripe for your product.
  • You’ll explore how to partner with others to promote your new product/service so it’s a win/win/win. Through joint ventures, affiliate programs and other limited partnerships you’ll help others earn revenue by promoting your information products/services.
  • You’ll start to determine your best keywords so you can easily get in front of those looking on the Internet for your information. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not as easy as some experts make it sound. But once you have those with the highest search to lowest competition ratio, you’ll bring to you those who want what you offer.
  • You’ll understand why blogging is a great way to bring in new customers, write your next book, have articles to redistribute, syndicate your work to other sites, and garner media attention. Even if you don’t like to write, you can create an audio or video blog that will help you position yourself to sell your products.
  • You’ll know how to repurpose your articles and blog postings into books, eBook and special reports. These products can then be sold, used to entice people to sign up for your mailing list, or be given as a gift with purchase.
  • You’ll determine whether teleseminars or webinars are right for your market. There are pros and cons to each, do you need to know which is likely to be the best fit for your customers and prospects.
  • You’ll understand how to set up, record and market your teleseminars/webinars. The recordings of these can be sold for years and provide a nice revenue stream — if you do it well.
  • You’ll know how to create higher-priced packages. By bundling products together or making home-study courses you can substantially increase your average sale.
  • You’ll grasp the wisdom of providing subscription products/services. When customers give you permission to charge their credit card weekly, semi-monthly or monthly, you have the peace of mind of knowing your monthly revenue from that product.
  • You’ll understand the strategies and tactics that encourage people to buy from you, not only once, but over and over for years — or decades! Rebecca will explain the strategy behind each tactic so you understand how to adapt the concept to your product/service.

Everything that is discussed is something that Rebecca has actually implemented. She’ll not only share what worked, but what didn’t work so you won’t have to waste time and money on things that don’t work. If she shares an idea she hasn’t tried herself but knows it worked for a client or colleague, she’ll tell you that. No smoke, no mirrors, no BS — just honest transparency.

(Note: the video lessons are now all online. You’ll receive a link to a page with all the lesson links so you can progress on your own time frame. Know it will serve you best if you do the assignments from each session before progressing to the next.)

What’s Included?

  • 28 Cut-to-the-Chase Video Lessons

Each lesson focus on a different element of jammies-income product development and sales. You’ll get plenty of examples of products you can create quickly — in fact, you may have the components to do so immediately! Rebecca put together 4 books each in less than a week by redeploying intellectual capital she already had written. Or maybe creating recordings from teleseminars is easier for you. You’ll get dozens of ideas you can create rapidly and then sell to existing customers or new ones.

  • Extensive, Follow-Along Workbook

The extensive workbook captures the key ideas from the recordings, giving you space to make notes. You also get an action planner to log the specific ideas you want to make happen for your business. There are also lots of links to examples and resources listed. You’ll find yourself referring back to the workbook over and over again.

  • One-on-One Consultation with Rebecca

You’ll get from 1 to 26 hours of Rebecca’s individual focus on you, your business, your products and how to create more jammies income with your material. (Then number of hours depeNo fluff — laser-focused ideas and step-by-step guidance to add more products — and income — to your business.

  • Vetted Vendor List

In 30 years in business, Rebecca has checked out many suppliers. A few stand out as responsive, creative, professional, easy to work with, high-quality and reasonably priced. Rebecca’s vetted vendors promise quick turnaround. These include: graphic designers, blog implementers, webmasters, editors/proofreaders, recording engineers (for teleseminars/CDs/MP3s), CD/DVD duplicators, video producers (for demos and YouTube), self-publishing coaches, printers. It is currently 14 pages packed with vendors Rebecca has used and trusts. It will be updated as new resources are added.(You will engage those you need separately — their fees are separate from the tuition.)

  • Automatic Updates

Updated files will be added to the private members-only page so you’ll always get the most recent information on new ways to make money from your jammies. The industry is changing rapidly so rather than try to keep current with it yourself, Rebecca will cull the most practical and innovative ideas and share them on the page.

Want to Have Rebecca’s Mentoring to Help You Figure Out What to Produce, How to Produce It, How to Price It and How to Sell It?

One hour with Rebecca is included in the Cotton Level. If you know you’ll want more of her assistance, then get the Satin Level for 3 hours of consultation time. If you want her on your team for 6 months (up to 26 hours) buy the Silk Level program. Each is detailed below.

What’s in the Videos Lessons?

Section 1: Introduction, State of the Industry, Making Money with Teleseminars/Webinars

  • Introduction of Rebecca
  • Benefits of Jammies Income
  • State of the Industry
  • Some Context
  • Creating Your Strategy
  • Making Money from Teleseminars/Webinars
  • Topics, Marketing and Pricing
  • Getting Started and Tips

Section 2: Making Money From Your Blog

  • How Blogs Bring Prospects to You
  • Beauty of Blogging
  • Making Money From Your Blog
  • Getting Started, More Visitors and More Comments
  • Syndicating Your Blog

Section 3: Books, Blooks, Special Reports, eBooks, Booklets, Recordings

  • Creating Books and Blooks
  • Self-Publishing Your Book
  • Ebooks, eBooklets and Special Reports
  • Creating Home-Study Courses and Workbooks
  • Bundling Products for Bigger Sales
  • Selling Your Recordings

Section 4: Increasing Your Sales Through Bundles, Upselling, Ezines, and Coaching

  • More Electronically Deliverable Products
  • Sell Subscriptions
  • Membership Sites
  • Using Ezines to Redeploy Content and Make Sales
  • Virtual Coaching
  • Related Products
  • Pre-Sell Products
  • Shopping Carts
  • Conclusion

“Don’t ever be restless again about what you’re going to wear today or how you’re going to move your business forward.  With the ideas Rebecca Morgan shares, you truly can, with a little effort, be Making Money In Your Jammies!” –Gary Greenfield 

Your Options for Results

There are several investment options, depending on your needs and budget. Choose the one that meets your needs (or jammies-fabric preference! Sorry, no nude level!).

Basic Level: In-Depth Home-Study Course

        You’ll get lots of ideas, strategies and tactics to start producing jammies income.

       $297 Order

Cotton Level: In-Depth Home-Study Course + 1-Hour Private Consultation with Rebecca

You’ll get lots of ideas, strategies and tactics to start producing jammies income PLUS an hour with Rebecca to determine your best use of the ideas in the course for your situation.

$645 Order

Satin Level: In-Depth Home-Study Course + 6 hour-long 1-on-1 consultations with Rebecca

Rebecca will help you crystallize your strategy and action plan and ensure you are taking the right actions to bring your plans to fruition. You can schedule your consultations however you want: 1x/week if you want to move quickly, 1x/month, or come to Rebecca’s office for all 6 hours at once. Consultations are on the phone, Zoom, Skype or at Rebecca’s office.

Get the home-study course FREE if you purchase the 6-hour consultation package.

$1940 Order (Contact us to pay in 3 installments of $675 each month)

Silk Level: In-Depth Home-Study Course + 6 months of ongoing access 1-on-1 coaching/mentoring 

You want to get moving to produce at least one — most likely multiple — jammies products quickly and to make the fastest progress, you want Rebecca on your team. She’ll coach, prod, noodle with you, celebrate your successes and hold you accountable so you translate your ideas into a tangible format fast. She’ll review your emailed promo copy, web site, product covers, etc. You get virtually as much access as you need by phone, email, Skype or in-person at her office for up to 26 hours.

Get the home-study course FREE if you purchase the 6-month consultation package

$5695 Order (Contact us to pay in 6 installments of $975 each month)

“Today I listened to your ‘Making Money In Your Jammies’ recording on the drive in to speak to a client. GREAT stuff. I am proposing a webinar series to them. Thanks for tipping me over the top to do it.” —Tim Richardson, CSP

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