Bottom-Line-Focused Coaching

Create new products or services smartly and quickly


  • Are you ready to take your business to the next level by adding new products and services?
  • Want help brainstorming your business, services, and products your market wants and will pay well for?
  • Do you know what it takes to produce a steady stream of revenue that doesn’t depend on your ability to climb aboard another plane?”Your advice in the past has added tens of thousands to my bottom line.” —Mandi Stanley, CSP

Now is the time to discover what few others understand — how to move your business forward in record time! Learn from Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, a bestselling author (25 books, nine languages), Certified Speaking Professional and Certified Management Consultant, international speaker who has already successfully done that for herself and many others.

“I’m so glad I hired Rebecca Morgan to help me expand my corporate training services. Within days, just one of her suggestions helped me close a $45K training program on the spot, and also sell a $20K workshop to a major corporate client. She gave me a lot of creative ideas for new products, strategic pricing, and ongoing revenue streams. And her knowledge in training via Zoom has helped me tremendously. Her expertise is invaluable.” — Alexandra Watkins

“You have been SO helpful, Rebecca!  Your insights have made a big difference in how I am proceeding with this endeavor. Without your direction and insights I would not be where I am with the new biz.” —Deb Durham, SPOKESPERSONS PLUS NETWORK  

I don’t actually wear jammies (perhaps TMI) but I do love the idea of making money while pretending to wear them.  My problem has been lack of a product development system and motivation.  That’s why I hired Rebecca.  Everyone can ask around and pay nothing for free advice.  But that’s what you wind up with, nothing.  Real progress starts when you put down a few shekels and hire someone to help you.  So, I gleefully retained Rebecca to quite literally tell me what to do…and to provide some benevolent butt kicking.  I mean, c’mon…isn’t that what we all really need anyways?” –Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE

What’s keeping you from making more jammies income?

  • Need guidance on what to create that will sell fastest and with the least amount of effort?
  • Not sure where you should focus first for the biggest payoff?
  • Want to understand the logistics of how to produce and integrate products into your offerings?
  • Lack motivation?
  • Lack accountability?

Whatever it is, Rebecca has probably dealt with it herself. Benefit from her 31 years in the speaking/training/consulting business! Take years off your learning curve by tapping into her knowledge and experience with strategies, products and implementation plans that work to give you the highest payoff for your time and money. Tell her what you want to accomplish and let her guide you through how you can best accomplish it, given your budget, time and areas of focus you determine best suit your needs.

You could use some help. You need a smart, savvy, highly experienced mentor to work through if your idea is the best strategy to accomplish what you want. You need someone to then help create a plan for moving forward. Optimally, she’ll also guide you through how to execute step by step. Someone to help you connect the dots and stay on target. And to steer you toward suppliers who can do what you need.

Rebecca will help you outline a practical strategy (not theory) for you, then step-by-step tasks to accomplish the projects that will get you where you want to be. You’ll brainstorm with Rebecca, start on key projects and get guidance on how to best proceed.

“You taught me more in one hour than I have learned in the past year.” —Terry Jo Gile, The Safety Lady

Rebecca has helped others brainstorm, strategize and refine their efforts in:

  • Developing product easily and profitably — How to create saleable products from live audio recordings, interviews, teleseminars, video footage; writing special reports, ebooks, booklets and books; publishing these items.
  • Redeploying content — Easily create books/ebooks from articles, blog entries, transcripts of presentations, and interviews. Morph the same content into different delivery mechanisms: recordings, books, ebooks, special reports, white papers, eCouses, membership sites.
  • Delivering high-profit, low-work teleseminars — How to set up and conduct teleseminars as positioning tools and income producers.
  • Creating guaranteed income from your jammies income stream — How to create products/services which people commit to buy over and over, even before they are produced.
  • Uncovering valuable resources — Learn the best sources of expertise (beyond her own). Who else can help your specific needs? Who is reliable and does what they promise?
  • Setting up eCommerce — How to start your shopping cart and support web pages that keep your bank account full with little effort from you.
  • Product fulfillment — Who can send your products reliably, how much does it cost, what questions should you ask when choosing a supplier.
  • And more — Chances are, if you are wanting to create more income without getting on an airplane, Rebecca has figured out a way to do it already.
  • Creating the product with you — Rebecca will interview you for a product you can have 90% ready to go to market in an hour. You may need some light editing, and if a CD you need cover art, but then you’re ready to market it!

Susan Trivers“Rebecca took two steps that made my interview with her exceptional. First, she read over the questions I prepared and suggested some better questions that would help me tell the Speakonomics!(TM) story in a way that a would attract and engage a new listener. Second, during the recording she interjected fresh questions generated by my answers, which gives the interviews a very lively sound and shows the listener that I have deep knowledge. She also introduced me to a recording expert she has worked with before, making the recording and editing process totally professional and painless for me.” —Susan Trivers

Why should I work with Rebecca?

You probably have a list of products/services you feel you should be creating, but get overwhelmed not knowing which one(s) are right for you that will give you the biggest payoff. You need to figure out which information will work best for you. And you know you need individualized attention to sort through your situation.

After 30 years in the speaking/training/consulting business, Rebecca has heard what most successful infopreneurs say about various income-producing strategies. In addition to creating her own techniques and processes, she’s tried a lot of what they said and adapted it to her style. Rather than trying to figure out what would work for you, use the experience of someone who’s learned how to tweak information into practices that work. She’ll save you lots of time, money and headaches.

“Rebecca, your 6-month coaching has been fantastic! I have moved forward leaps and bounds with things and it all started with all you! I so appreciate all the knowledge you have shared with me on the subject of “making money in my jammies”! My last coaching with you created $800 in 45 minutes plus 9 new clients.” —Linda Lenore

How has Rebecca helped others?

“In six short months Rebecca coached me to remarkable results: my book is being published (advance sales are already climbing); clients are agreeing to my full fee; and my Web site is practically an e-department store.

I can truly say that Rebecca’s careful listening and her practical, resourceful suggestions have made the difference. She has that all-too-rare mix of no nonsense tell-it-like-it-is with humor and compassion. After a coaching session with Rebecca, I don’t just feel good, I get things done.

If you want to accomplish your true dreams, coach with Rebecca Morgan. She’s brilliant.”

—Ben Bernstein, Ph.D., performance psychologist and author, The Workbook for Test Success

Review an extensive list of the results Rebecca has helped others create.

What is Rebecca’s expertise?

Rebecca is the author or co-author of 28 books and hundreds of audio programs. Two of her books are bestsellers, selling nearly a half-million copies together. She’s appeared on Oprah, 60 Minutes, the Wall Street Journal,, National Public Radio, CNBC, USA Today, as well as many other international publications and media. She has run a successful consulting practice for over 40 years. Additionally, she is Co-Publisher of which has a content-rich site and a weekly ezine full of best practice tips for speakers, trainers, consultants and coaches.

Dov Friedmann“Working in the highly competitive field of photography, I’m always looking for ways to innovate my business. Having applied some of Rebecca’s ideas helped my sales increase 33% and has enabled me to stay ahead of my competitors.” —Dov Friedmann

Rebecca has created income streams that don’t require her to get on airplanes, and has helped many others create high-quality, high-value, little-work products that they can sell easily to their existing clients.

Can I afford Rebecca’s coaching? How much does it cost?

Not as much as you would think! In fact, she is offering a discount off her corporate rates for a limited time. Engage her now before she comes to her senses and starts charging her normal rates! She will work with you to come up with ideas that you can implement immediately to make multiple times her fee in the 60 days following your consultation — if you take action!

  • 1-hour consultation (phone or in-person) $350 ($500 value) 

Use Rebecca’s experience and creativity to refine a product idea and get started. You may have ideas for recordings, books, ebooks, booklets, special reports, eCourses, membership sites, coaching, webinars or other product/services, but don’t know how to bring these to market.

  • 3 60-minute consultations (phone or in-person) $995 ($1500 value)

Rebecca Morgan will help you brainstorm product ideas, be a thinking partner to help you determine the best actions to move you forward,  and be a short-term accountability partner. You’ll meet every week or two as you implement the ideas you both agree will be best for the results you seek.

  • 6 60-minute consultations (phone or in-person) $1995 ($3000 value) Order

Tap Rebecca’s ability to help you create a product that fits your objective and parameters, her project management expertise, and accountability partner skills. You can use this time whenever you want to move forward with your project — once a week, month, or whenever you want to take the next step.

  • 6 months of ongoing access (phone, email or in-person) $7500 ($12,000 value) Order

This option is for those who know they are undertaking a bigger project and want to utilize Rebecca as a consultant/coach to help get the product to market. She will help you strategize your product marketing plan, review promotional copy and packaging design, flesh out your content, and help expand your product offerings. You can have access to Rebecca’s vast expertise, up to 26 hours per 6 months. (Interview service charged separately — not included in this price.)

  • Interview for your audio product (phone or in-person) $1000

Utilize Rebecca’s 20 years of interviewing SNN teleseminar experts in order to create a new product for you. You discuss the recording’s content and flow for 30-60 minutes beforehand so she can understand your objectives, marketing strategy, target audience and topic. Then she records the real interview.  You can then sell the product, use it to explain your philosophies about your topic, or use it as a free download from your site.

Howie Jacobson

Thanks for your steady and warm moderation. I’ve never felt so intelligently guided on a call before! Your professionalism and preparedness help raise my own game.” —Howie Jacobson, Ph.D.

As part of your consultation time, Rebecca will gladly review your product ideas, evaluate your current mock ups for products, watch your saleable video, listen to recordings, or read your books/ebooks before or after your consultation. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about getting advice you aren’t ready to act on. She doesn’t just tell you what needs to be done — she can help you do it! As part of your consultation agreement, Rebecca can edit marketing materials, web pages, etc., and/or critique videos. But she won’t sacrifice quality by trying to do something she knows others can do better. If necessary, she’ll refer you to specialists when specific production, packaging, graphic art, or editing is needed beyond her expertise.

All fees are to be paid in full upon booking the consultation. Pay conveniently via our shopping cart using Visa, MasterCard, or AmEx, or Venmo, PayPal, or send a check.

How can I start tapping Rebecca’s wealth of knowledge and wisdom?

Since this special offer is limited, set an appointment at

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