Produce a Product in a Month

Product is the key to maximizing your impact and revenue. With the right products, you can help many more people than only those who can hear your wisdom in person. Products can be a critical part of your revenue stream, allowing you more freedom for how you spend your time.

You know all this. And it pains you every day to not have the right products that people will buy. You may now have no products, or maybe one or two that don’t sell. You want something you can at least sell at the back of the room at your events. “March” can add 3-4 times your fee. But if you have nothing to sell, you don’t make a dime.

If you could have a process — a system — that you could use over and over again to create more products, you know you would. But up to now your process has been clunky. You’ve done it by trial and error —if at all.

If only you had someone to guide you, step-by-step, with specific feedback on your situation. Someone who has produced hundreds of products and sold them in various formats and to different types of buyers. Someone who knows how to avoid the pitfalls and has created products that have sold for decades.

Products can include: a recording of a  talk or comedy show, a live or recorded webinar or teleseminar, a DVD of your live performance, a special report on cutting edge, hard to find information, a book/eBook/workbook, quote postcards, posters, reminder cards with your talk’s key points, other “swag” (t-shirts, mugs, hats).

Note for comics: Not all of the product ideas will be applicable to you. However, expand your thinking by looking at the merch Ali Wong sells: DVDs, books, hats, mugs, t-shirts. She even sold the dresses she wore in her Netflix specials!

You’ll get a learning buddy to discuss your homework and offer suggestions. So build in time to talk to him/her each week as you make progress.

“Rebecca Morgan opened my eyes to how to take what I store in my head and create products – online classes, quote books, books and video packages, and workbooks for sale. I don’t need to give everything away as bonuses for my book. I can sell products that support my books to help people implement what I share. The investment was minuscule compared with how much my business is growing.” —Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, author, professional speaker, past president of the International Coach Federation

“Rebecca’s course was very insightful. It changed the way I think about marketing, branding as well as how to create products that people actually want to buy.” —Cynthia Ouandji, standup comic

You’ve come to the right place! It’s time to do this!

You are ready for this 3-week program to step you through the process. You’ll get weekly live group webinars with 60 to 90 minutes of homework each week to produce what you need for each step. We will review some of the attendees’ homework during the session and use their homework to help illustrate points.

If you do the assignments and attend each session, by the end of the month you will be finished — or well on your way —with a product to sell.

(If you haven’t read how a mini-course/coursette works, please do so now.)

Get started now! Your first step is to register!

Session 1: Create a Product Your Target Audience Rushes to Buy
Tue., June 16, 
4:00-5:00 PST/7:00-8:00 EST

Too many people have garages full of unsold product. Even if your product is electronic, you want to uncover the needs of your target market — what they want and will pay for. You don’t want to waste time producing something no one buys. This first step is the foundation on which successful products are built. You will determine how you going to sell it. Even the most brilliant products languish if they aren’t promoted. We’ll cover key elements of your marketing/sales plan.

Session 2: Plan and Start to Create Your Product
Tue., June 23, 4:00-5:00 PST/7:00-8:00 EST

We’ll go through the process of planning what you’ll create so you ensure you include what’s important to potential buyers. You’ll have a step-by-step roadmap to implement your plan. You’ll see how you can redeploy elements of previous work so this step will be easier than you think. Then this week you’ll start to create (or perhaps complete!) your product and get feedback. (Plan an extra hour to your homework allotment so you can review your learning buddy’s output.)

Session 3: How to Get Your Product Ready to Bring to Market
Tue., June 30, 4:00-5:00 PST/7:00-8:00 EST

Whether it’s a digital or tangible product, how do you make it ready to sell? We’ll cover the nuances of the products the attendees want to produce.

What gives Rebecca the credibility to lead this mini-course ?

Rebecca started making products in 1985 and now has authored 28 books (plus ebooks of these), several self-study courses, over 500 webinars and teleseminars/recordings, 10 e-reports, quote cards, and other unusual products. Two of her books have sold over 250,000 each, and have landed her on Oprah, 60 Minutes, NPR, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal,,, and many international media.

Ninety percent of her products are still selling. Some of her products are truly passive income with no further input from her, while others, like this coursette, enable her to give individualized feedback in a group setting. This allows her to maximize her time and impact. And she can create new products while from anywhere in the world.

Since she’s experimented with different delivery mechanisms and marketing ideas, she’ll share what’s worked for her and others, as well as give you input on what might work in your market. She’ll also help you avoid time and money wasters.

Mini-Course Investment – 3 options        

Early-Bird rate if paid by midnight PT, Wed., June 10 (click price to order)

  • Mini-Course only                                                                                   $299                           Early bird $249
  • Mini-Course plus 2-hours individual coaching w/Rebecca          $749                           Early bird $699
  • Mini-Course plus 3 months of coaching                                           $3299                         Early bird $2999*
    *Mini-Course is then free!  With this option, you get up to an hour a week of coaching w/Rebecca to help you refine your product ideas.


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