January 2011 Webinar Resources


Please download these documents and complete them by the first session. You only need to return the first one and page 1 of the second one to me, although you’re welcomed to send me all parts if you want.

You get to vote for what we cover — please return to me before our first session

Pre-work — please complete before our first session

Please register with our webinar provider NOW

You must register with GoToWebinar to access the webinar. You will then receive regular reminders with the link and dial-in info.

Making Money In Your Jammies webinar
Register Now at:


Please download the handout as we’ll follow it closely.

Here’s the sample of the permissions form we ask the experts to sign to use their info in Beginning a Profitable Speaking Business.

Tips for when technology fails during your teleseminar/webinar.

Webinar Recordings

This is where you can download any session you want to relisten to or watch if you missed. I won’t be making these public, so they’re just for you.

Just right-click (Control-click for the Mac) and the recording will download to your computer. You can then upload it to your MP3 player or watch it on your computer.

Vetted Vendors

This is the list of suppliers I’ve used and recommended. I’ll update it as needed, so bookmark that page.

Shared Resources

Feel free to  share resources that you feel will be useful to others.

The 5 Invisible Forces Behind Online Marketing

Feedback Requests

You can also share links to pages you want feedback on. Please know that group members aren’t required to respond to requests, but some may find it educational to see what others are designing and look at others’ projects with an objective eye. It’s so hard to see what’s missing in our own stuff — so much easier in with others’ projects.

Place your resources/requests in a comment.

Please help spread the word!

If you are willing, I’d appreciate it if you’d email people you think would be interested and/or post it to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Here are some samples — feel free to add your own comments.
Earn revenue from your knowledge -— without even getting dressed! Rebecca Morgan’s unique “Making Money In Your Jammies” 6-part webinar series shows you how. She’ll share details on how you can create income-producing webinars, teleseminars, books from your blog, eBooks, MP3s/CDs, and subsequent products. Get early-bird
rate on webinar course starting Jan. 19. Includes monthly follow-up calls and covetted Vetted Vendor list. https://makingmoneyinjammies.com/webinar/in-depth_webinar_course/
Rebecca Morgan’s “Making Money In Your Jammies” 6-part webinar series shows how to create money-making products. http://tinyurl.com/278u3p2


Jude Anker
Park City Utah

John Drebinger/Sandie Gilbert

John Drebinger Presentations

(209) 745-9419

Galt, CA


Dave Jensen


Los Angeles, CA


Sylvia Perreault


Johanna Rothman

Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Arlington, MA

Cole Silver
Moorestown, NJ

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